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Gympie Regional Council

Reference # Title Award Date Value
RFT0275Readvert RFT0275 - Gympie Water Pump Station and Reservoir Sites Telemetry / SCADA Upgrade 2021-07-13 $283,499
RFT0338 RFT0338 - Lower Wonga Hall - Building Upgrade and Kitchen Fitout 2021-07-01 $256,515
RFT0350 RFT0350 - Construction of Pedestrian/Cycle Bridge at Wide Bay Creek 2021-06-29 $251,453
RPQ0329 RPQ0329 - Register of Pre-Qualified Suppliers for Business and Management Services 2021-05-10 $1
RFT0354 RFT0354 - Sealing Andersen & Henry St Brooloo 2021-05-06 $261,518