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Department of Housing and Public Works - Queensland Government Procurement

Reference # Title Award Date Value
QGP005018RF21 QGP0050-18 Professional Services Panel Refresh - Finance, Audit & Economic Services (Tranche 1) and Management, Policy & Agile Project/Program Management Services (Tranche 3) 2022-03-31 $1
QGP006521 Invitation to Offer: Salary Packaging Administration Services 2022-03-10 $1
GGS00601PSP GGS0060 Temporary and Contracted Workers Preferred Supplier Panel - Refresh 2021-10-18 $1
QGP004818A Expansion of Workplace Health Services 2021-07-01 $1
GGS0067 Metering and Data Services 2020-06-30 $2,200,000