Display 15240069REFURB2

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Jimna Fire Tower

Issued by Z (INACTIVE) Building and Asset Services - South East Queensland

Invitation to Offer

Status: Awarded
Mega Category: Building construction and maintenance
Number: 15240069REFURB2
Released: Tue, 17 Dec 2019 at 11:51AM Brisbane, Queensland
Closed: Fri, 14 Feb 2020 at 2:00PM Brisbane, Queensland
Awarded: Thu, 11 Mar 2021 at 12:00AM Brisbane, Queensland
UNSPSC: Building and Construction and Maintenance Services - (100%)
Region/s: South East Queensland

This Tender has been awarded - please click here to view the Contract details.

Section 1

Tender Overview

Jimna Fire Tower - Repairs and Stabilisation

Jimna fire tower is a three-legged timber fire tower and is 47 meters high, constructed in 1976 and Heritage listed in 1999.

The six major items of works are summarised as:

1.  Column Posting.  The works will include replacement of a length of column (posting) at the base of the tower of approx. 2.5 - 12 metre length. The new post needs to be grey ironbark species and merged in with the existing column into one continuous length using a wood keys system.

2.  Column Cavities. Repairs of various cavities along the length of the columns using a high strength epoxy filler and a jacket wrap around the area. Timber or materials used will blend in with the tower appearance.

3.  Installation of a borate rod diffuser system to columns with approximately 200 holes drilled in each column and a borate diffuser rod inserted which is then capped with a watertight bung. 

4.  Bracing timbers. The proposed works will include repairs of existing braces and also installation of new additional diagonal bracing timbers to achieve a diagonal X cross pattern.

5. Installation of guy wire anchor cables. The guy wires cables will connect from a point on the timber column to a concrete anchor block in the ground some distance from the tower. Each column to have two guy wire cables attached. There are already three concrete anchor blocks in place from a previous project that was never completed – but two of these anchor blocks need to be extended by additional concrete.

6.  Stairwell enhancement to improve the connections and tie points from the stairwell and landings to timber columns and timber braces. The actual stairwell landings and stringers remain the same size and width but be better connected to the structure by additional timber joints, steel bolts and knee-brace connectors.

Tender documentation for this project is available from the QBuild eTender website at https://etender.hpw.qld.gov.au/

Submissions are to be electronic via the QBuild eTender site.



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Section 2

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