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Design and Construct - Lighting Upgrades to Caloundra Aerodrome Runway and Taxi Way

Issued by Sunshine Coast Council

Invitation to Offer

Status: Closed
Mega Category: Building construction and maintenance
Number: ITT1936
Released: Sat, 16 May 2020 at 12:00AM Brisbane, Queensland
Closed: Tue, 2 Jun 2020 at 12:00PM Brisbane, Queensland
UNSPSC: Building and Construction and Maintenance Services - (100%)
Region/s: South East Queensland

Section 1

Tender Overview

Tenders are invited for the renewal of Caloundra Aerodrome Runway, Taxi Way, Primary Wind Direction Indicator and Apron Lighting - Design and Construct.

The design portion of this contract will require the successful Respondent to progress to final design 'For Construction' documentation including all necessary approvals and RPEQ certification.

This is a lump sum Design and Construct contract.

More about tendering here

Section 2

Still need help? Contact Us

Other Contacts
users Project Officer
Type Technical
email tenderenquiries@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au

Section 3

Here is the detail

If there are no documents listed in this section, please refer to Section 1 Tender Overview.

Documents can not be downloaded once Tender has closed.